Jenny Sutton still life and landscape art
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Cards & Prints

Cards & Prints
Cards are 6inches square, are printed on 300gsm white card, and come individually wrapped with their own envelope. Min order of 3 cards at £3 each (if you would like 3 different designs please email Jenny after making payment), or a set of 5 for £12 (one of each design below). Free postage.

To purchase a print or card click on the "Add to Basket" button, this will take you to PayPal where you can change the quantities and pay for your items securely either using your PayPal account or by using your payment details.

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White Tulips

3 Cards £9.00

Pink Primula

3 Cards £9.00

Strawberries, Pears and Silver

3 Cards £9.00

Cornish Jug with Fruit

3 Cards £9.00

Pink Camellias

3 Cards £9.00

One of Each Design

5 Cards £12.00


Click on the images below for details.

Tide Out, St Anthony

linocut £95.00

Gulls Over Mousehole

linocut £85.00